Phunny Phacts

Laughter, is there anything more reviving than a good laugh?  The moment something tickles your funny bone and sparks a laugh, everything around you stops, for the briefest moment the only thing you are focused on is laughing. I love a lot of things about life, at the top of my list is humor. As a student in college, I did an entire research assignment and paper on laughter, yeah, laughing is crucial in my world. From it’s contagious nature to the health benefits, laughter is an important part of our human existence.

There are so many things that make me laugh, from Big Bang Theory to inappropriate jokes at the most inappropriate times. In between the two is Useless facts, there are some funny truths in this world. I am talking about things that educate and crack you up at the same time. There is nothing funnier than some random, useless, but hilarious statement that turns out to be true. When I am feeling a little low and need a laugh fix, I google funny facts. Below you will find a few of the gems that I have found absolutely hilarious. I store them in my memory because one day I am gonna need these bits of information. In the right room with the right people, I am going to WOW the crowd. I will be smart and funny, the start of the show!  Enjoy, the laughs are on me!

In an effort to tickle your funny bone, below you will find 1o funny facts that I find chuckle worthy.

  • The average woman uses her height in lipstick every 5 years.
  • Billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to females.
  • Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine.
  • Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg Corn Flakes in hopes that it would reduce masturbation.
  • An apple, potato, and onion all taste the same if you eat them with your nose plugged.
  • The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the world.
  • Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
  • George Washington grew marijuana in his garden
  • The first alarm clock could only ring at 4am



Puff, Puff ,Pass! Rotation is key!!!

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”~e.e. cummings

Phunny Phacts

Periods Should Knot Be Painful

As a woman, I have lost count of the numbers of times that I have been told that the pain I am feeling in my pelvic region is normal.  I “became a woman,” at the tender age of 11, since then,  I have been in what seems like an ongoing battle with my Reproductive System. Around the age of 22, when I was old enough to advocate for myself and knew how to articulate to doctors and family, the fact that my period disappearing for months and months at a time was NOT normal, I began this journey. I have had more doctors that I can count, multiple surgical procedures, injections, implants, medications, and therapies, all in the hope of  conquering or controlling this invisible enemy that has invaded my body.

At the age of 23, I was diagnosed with PCOS which explained why I wasn’t getting pregnant. When I say I was having A LOT of sex, please understand that I mean Nympho status. Yet, I didn’t have an orgasm until I was 27, but I digress.  While I was not trying to get pregnant, I wasn’t doing ANYTHING to prevent it either.  I wasn’t ignorant to the fact that I should’ve gotten pregnant at least once.  Around my 25th birthday, I began to experience some pain. The pain felt like menstrual cramps but it soon morphed into tremendous pressure and that began two years of probing, humiliating exams, and more needles that I can stand, eventually I was diagnosed with Endometriosis.  In recent years, the last 5 to be exact, I have been diagnosed with Fibroids, Interstitial Cystitis, Chronic Pelvic Pain, and Adenomyosis.

As Langston Hughes so eloquently stated, life ain’t been no crystal stair. However, of all the devastation and heartbreak that has come with this journey, one of my greatest accomplishments, PSKBP was born of this anguish and confusion. Periods Should Knot Be Painful was birthed from my desire to understand and make sense of this life that I live. I suffered at the hands of many insensitive doctors, have been judged by people because I don’t look sick,  and been abandoned by friends. I know the suffering that comes with living this life!  If I can make this journey a little better for one woman and provide an abundance of support, education, empowerment, and love  while doing it, then my labor will have not been in vain. I know that there is Purpose in Pain and Triumph in Tragedy and I intend to prove it to as many women as I can. pskbp change

Periods Should Knot Be Painful